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Message: Re: Random thoughts in the vacuum of information

Although we did hit a new all time low today , it's on weak volume. It hasent been millions of shares selling off daily driving the price down where by it would appear obvious we're witnessing a massive exit & all out failure. 

I share in your hope , it's pretty much all we have left given the dire circumstance(s)

"It is my hope (but not expectation) that the reason for the 1 month delay in the AGM is that Don (aka Mr. Excited Mushroom manager) and his team are tucked away busily dotting the eyes (i’s) and crossing the t’s on an agreement to sell RVX to a biotech financing company or BP that can finally provide competent management and financing to determine if apabetalone has any medical merit"

If true,  sooner than later I'd expect a decent spike in the SP - most likely just a day or two before news hits. 
We're not able to vote until we see the circular right?Will we see that anyday now? How close to AGM does it legally have to be out? Maybe we see another month extension? 

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