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Message: Random thoughts in the vacuum of information

Great post Toinv,,,,,,surely to geeze we have several local investors in the Calgary area who will attend and discuss the hardtalk points around the future of this pitiful company which has really been nothing more than a personal banking system for the senior insiders. 5 years on utter nothingness and salaries all paid out. Merit and accomplishment is not factored in as having any importance in the company's policy!!

Hold their feet to the fire due to the incredible frustration investors have been saddled with and the massive lack of insight with no physical science advancement by the company from the directing of these high paid elites,,PhDs and all!!!

IMO,,sell this company for $1 ,, with the IP and tax loss!!!,,,,and we can all move on before we pass on!!

It still wouldnt surprise me to see RVX go into insolvancy and be shelved for Hepa and a few of its friends. That way all us get the shaft which possibly would make RVX management super excited,,,,but of course only for themselves!!!!



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