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Message: Draft Checklist for Management

This Draft Checklist for management thread is a working draft of a shareholders checklist to mangagement. Please if you contribute to editing this above list, please just reply to the previous message, copy and paste the entire text of the previous version into your reply and also bold, underline or italicize your changes so that changes can be better tracked. Here is a link to my post from this morning with some additional resources to consider in edits and here is SanFran'soriginal Checklist for Management post in its entirety. For starters, here is SanFran's 6 points that he started in his original Checklist for Management post.

1. Dart/City Loan: Please provide an update regarding plans for renegotiating continuation terms or replacing the Dart/City loan that is currently due for repayment around mid 2017. This is perhaps the most important concern amongst current shareholders and thus should be prioritized by management.

2. Long range plans: Resverlogix and Zenith each have very large compound libraries, which have the potential to give rise to numberous licensing deals, sale of IP, or spin offs. In past AGMs, it has been suggested that this large compound library may give rise to future spin-offs for different indications or classes of molecules, kind of like a "Star Factory." Please provide an overview of the long range plan for Resverlogix (and Zenith if applicable).

3. IP and Patent Protection: Resverlogix and Zenith each have very large compound libraries. Please review IP coverage for us including status of patents for RVX-208, ZEN-3694 and other lead molecules and the lifetime of these patents. Are the vast compound libraries of Resverlogix and Zenith covered by patents at this time? Are there patents pending? Do new patents need to be filed? Many shareholders have legitimate concerns about patent protection after what happened with Zenith with their first lead molecule that was withdrawn due to potential IP conflict. We know that the term of the patents for 208 appears limited. Thus, we need to learn more about other patents. How does the synergy (or lack of synergy) of RVX-208 with rosuvastatin in BETonMACE affect patent protection and life of patent for RVX-208?

4. Licensing Deals: Update us in a detailed fashion about HepaLink and other licensing deal(s). What are their activities? When will the all-important revenue spigot be turned on? Do they have skin in the game? Are they paying for the Taiwan sites for BonM? What are the updates on the second licensing deal that we have been told at the Q1 and Q2 2016 updates that a second licensing deal was to be announced in 2016.

5. New molecules and new indications: Give us more detail on the backup molecules for each company - and how and when they will be moved forward into the clinic. I say molecules, not molecule, as there is no need for any "Star Factory" to stop at only one backup molecule. Is Resverlogix pursuing the autoimmune molecule RVX-297, or another follow on molecule, for autoimmune indications such asrheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, Sjogren’s syndrome, and lupus? Or has the autoimmune program being pursued by Zenith and not Resverlogix? Is Resverlogix sitll on track to confirm an RVX-208 follow on candidate in 2016? Will this be for similar indications as for RVX-208 or for different indication(s)? At the Q1 update, it was stated that several follow on molecules have gone through various animal studies for different indication. At the NYAS symposium, it was indicated that other applications of RVX-208 may include muscular dystrophy and liver fibrosis. What other indications are being pursued? What are the plans for these indications? How will trials for new molecules and new indications be funded?

6. Status of Orphan Indication Trials: Which orphan indications are going to be moved forward and when? What is the timeline and estimated launch date of the RVX-208 Phase 2 PNH trial? Is a H2 2016 trial start still a possibility? At the Q1 webcast, we were told that a PNH trial consisting of 30-40 patients as an estimated cost of 2-3 MM is still planned to launch in 2016. Is this still the case? Are there other complement disease trials being planned? How will these orphan trial(s) be funded?

7. Improve the AGM: Make the AGM into a "shareholder summit", by webcasting the AGM, giving shareholders (both in Calgary and on the Webcast) ample time to ask questions and preparing more than a cursory presentation that mirrors everything we've seen before and repeatedly. Also, when is the anticipated date of the 2016 AGM?

8. Update on renal program: At the Q2 update we were told that by the end of 2016 that Resverlogix will have a Type B meeting with the FDA, pre IND for the new renal program, to review of top line PK data of the Phase 1 trial. Assuming that the Phase 1 New Zealand pharmacokinetic trial and FDA meeting go well, what is the plan and timeline for Phase 2/3 renal trial(s) going forward. BETonRENAL was mentioned at the Q2 update. Will this be a Phase 2 or Phase 3? How will these future BETonRENAL trial(s) be funded?

9. Update on BETonMACE enrollment and study sites: Are all of the planned BETonMACE study sites now active? If not, what is the timeline for their activation. At the Q2 update we were told that Taiwan BETonMACE involvement should be launcing by end of 2016. Will there be any other China study sites involved in BETonMACE? It was also mentioned in a past update that Austrailia was a possible BETonMACE site for more patients if needed. Is there any update on this, or is it still too early to know. Is the 125 MACE event futility analysis still on track for mid-2017?

10. Update on US sites in BETonMACE: At the Q2 update, we were told that by end of 2016 Resverlogix will have a Type C meeting with the FDA to discuss adding BETonMACE centers in US and review any outstanding requests from the FDA. We were told that "At the time of this meeting safety data from over 1,000 patients in the BETonMACE trial will be available, additional dose response work, MOA and liver biology work will be complete." Assuming that this meeting goes well, when is the earliest that US sites could be actively recruiting and how does this affect the original BETonMACE timeline? Resverlogix will also have a Type C meeting with the FDA by years end to discuss toxicology issues and go forward carcinogenicity program. Is there any update on the immuntoxicity rat study that was requested by the FDA? What concerns, if any, are there about the current BETonMACE protocol meeting FDA expectations?

11. Update on Blood Bank and SomaScan Analysis: The analysis of blood samples with the SomaScan (SomaLogic, Boudler, CO) has been emphasized during recent scientific presentations such as the NYAS webcast. What new exciting insights has Reverlogix obtained from this data and how does Resverlogix plan to use this data going forward? Will this data be published?

12. Update on manuscripts: The 2016 milestone checklist most recently shown at the Q2 update indicated that 4 manuscripts were to be published in 2016. In addition to the January Atheroscerosis article and the May Metabolism article, what other peer-review publications are in the works or planned?

13. Financial Update: Please review cash on hand, burn rate, and expected cash needs going forward over the next 3 years. Please include notation of changes in burn rate due to activities. Please cover in detail the additional funds that will need to be raised and approximately when those funds will be raised - including for the Citi?Dart loan mentioned previously.

14. Update on Analyst Coverage: The most recent 2016 miletsone checklist in the Q2 update indicated that 3 new analyst coverage programs were to be added in 2016. What is the status of these and when are the new analyst reports expected? Are any of the coverages provided by Marcel Wijma (Van Leeuwenhoeck Institute), John D. Vandermosten (Zacks Small Cap Research), or Stonegate Capital considered "new analyst coverage programs" or are other new analyst coverages expected in 2016?

15. Update on Business Arrangements: Please provide an overview of the types of partnerships, joint ventures, newco's or other business arrangements that the company is or will be having with pharma to move new molecules into the clinic. Please provide a status report of where those discussions are at currently (just beginning, well underway, close to fruition, etc.)

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