Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Thanks for the posts

The Timmins property seems to have been bypassed by Goldcorp and others already in the area. According to the news release, no exploration on it to-date.

I wonder whether the Timmins property holders initiated the deal as it initiallly seems more for their own benefit than anything. When you think of it, they traded their interests in a piece of property that was not providing much, if any, benefit in exchange for shares in SGR - a producing gold mine with undervalued shares poised to rise in value. Sounds like a pretty good deal for the landholders. On top of that, with SGR now exploring the Dalton property and perhaps helping to develop value for the Timmins property (which the landholders still technically own), there is an additional benefit there as well!

I am not suggesting that San Gold made a bad deal - I am sure that they will be making sure that they benefit as well, but it seems to me that this is first of all a great deal for the Timmins folks.



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