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Message: Re: WoW look at the volume today, that must be a new record? anyone know?


The ONE THING that can make you loook and sound like a rookie is to mention or discuss ANYTHING FC says with seriousness. He has NO CREDIDILITY with anyone who has long been involved with either site, and I think he had a great deal to do with sinking Stockhouse as a Board worth considering or even reading. I know there were others as immature, yappy and silly, but he was a leader.

As for his predicitions: he has been saying $4 to$8 for years and appears to have NO KNOWLEDGE. I once asked Dale some years back if he read Stockhouse (it was just after I discovered it) and he looked at me with what was close to disdain and said "I think some of those people have serious mental illness." He didn't mention names, but I came to agree with him as the worth of the site diminished.

This site, on the other hand, is both worthwhile and impressive.


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