Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: AGM

I thought the AGM was a little dissapointing.

it was a very "Political" type atmosphere.

We are seeing "good" grades

"Exceeding" our expectations


everything seem very vauge and non quanitfiable.

It's hard to get a proper read of whats going on.

They seem to be good right now at trying to sell it but have nothing factual to back them up.

That being said I am confident the numbers will speak for themselves over the next 12 months, but it would have been good to have an idea what to expect.

Like what is good? if our resources (43-101) goes up 10%? 50%, 100%,200%,500%?

It's hard to figure out what the big picutre is.

Hopefully we make Money Q2.

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