Welcome to the San Gold HUB on AGORACOM

San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Like I said a few weeks back...

A short while ago I said this stock was dead, after shutting 'temporarily' down, and now the 3.5 million 'infarred.'

Nice work San Gold. So, just tell us the reality that you are not finding more surface gold and it is too expensive to take the gold out from deep below as you don't have the money to do this.

Can someone just buy this company out for $2 already...please!?! Back to a dollar. I remember 2 years ago when San was saying they would turn down $5 offers on the company, and would not sell because they were going to be huge.

I should have known better at the time, as I was sure that this was a front to generate hype and get many people to buy in and make many others richer.

Greed kept me in, now this horrid price keeps me until I can run at break even, but $2 is a long way away!


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