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Message: Re: No gold
Jun 20, 2012 12:22PM

Is the glass half empty of half full? I am also very disappointed in my investment loss to this point. We are just exchanging opinions at this point but I think there is 5-10 million ozs still to be found in this area...and this could be low. Bison has been quietly drilling and getting good results just as one example....indications are they could come up with 1-2 million inferred..in their 43-101 to come out this fall....admittedly a guess on my part. I personally believe there is a lot of gold in this general area..but it will take money and time. The question is how much dilution and how long to prove it....a lot of longs just may not be willing to hang around and wait.

A major will be at our door at some point...JMO!

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