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San Gold Corporation - one of Canada's most exciting new exploration companies and gold producers.

Message: Sagging Share Price

Although I feel the dissappointment in the SP equally as all other long term holders, I for one do not blame management 100% for our perdicament. If I want to find the one to blame I need to look in the mirror. I believed and still do believe that gold shares are extremely underappreciated and under valued in the market. The problem lies in the fact that I believed that the government and the regulators were in place to facilitate a fraud free investment climate that a small player could trust. I now know that the big game is rigged and that all of the regulators and government cronies are beholden to the central bankers. I still do believe that gold will rise along with all other tangible assets in the event of the inevitable collapse of fiat money globally, however I am disgusted to see how little human life and well being is even given a casual consideration to the money (power) hungry control freaks that want a global system of facism. I pray for the day that these criminals are rounded up and subjected to a fair trial in a peoples court that is truly a perveyor of justice.


Second consecutive profitable quarter. That was a relief as I was worried about the price they would get for their gold. They got close to $1700 which was pretty good all considering.

Mar 30, 2012 11:23AM
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