Saxon Oil Company HUB

Expanding Global Energy Portfolio

Message: SXN Live Webcast from NYC

I don't know how long you have been involed with SXN, but if you do any DD on who owns the shares of SXN, you will realize that almost all is held by institutional investors and the lack of market liquidity is because we have very few retail investors.

Quick Summar for you:

Canaccord owns: 10 million Plus

The Big Boys: Peter Brown, Al Morishita, Channing Buckland, and Shayne Nyquvest own 3.25 million from the last PP, and the same in warrants.

Also you have AleAnna Shareholders (Micheal McGhee, Robert Gershen, Jim Barton) who own 4.1 million  

Then there is Management Ownership and insiders.

Lets not forget the 16.8 Million Class B Shares that "Old" saxon owns and can convert to SXN common shares anytime they choose.

Then you have your brokers and their clients money, who are obviously in at higher prices, becaue non of them have sold or baught any as of late, or we would see some volume.

Realistically there is not much of a public float out there and we need some "Retail Investors" to create some maret liquidity. Institutions finance exploration efforts and get in on PP's (so do some smart retailers). These types of people sit tight to be right and are in on dozens of deals that they just wait to pan out.

We have the opportunity right now to get in at a lower cost then the recent PP's, stock option issues, etc, and yet the retail crowd is scared to jump in on this one ahead of the crowd.

I do my own DD and have helped you with yours.



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