Saxon Oil Company HUB

Expanding Global Energy Portfolio

Message: Anythin heart from the Saxons ????

Hi all,

I have been trying to get a "GOOD" update from the company, but the team is out in the field and were not back into the office until today. I could get an update from someone, but Id rather get a good update and share my ideas and thoughts then.

I am off to the Cambridge Resource Show in Vancouver (Sat-Tues) and will be back Tuesday morning and will call the company then and have an update for you all.

The pressure is on the whole markets right now and sometimes it is good to see no volume on days like today, but I would rather see some interest in this company as I believe Natural Gas is going for $12/MCF in Italy compared to our price of around $8/MCF here in North America and we deserve a premium share price simply for that reason.

Time will tell, but I think we have a winner here with SXN, as the Italy play starts to unfold, production in Europe starts to peak (said to be 2008). Anyways, those looking to get rich quick might be in the wrong stock and probably playing the wrong game, as not many get rich overnight in the markets, but it will be a strong 2008 for SXN IMO.



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