Saxon Oil Company HUB

Expanding Global Energy Portfolio

Message: A message I posted on the "other" board

A message I posted on the "other" board

posted on Feb 05, 2008 06:50AM

Hi all,

I am still piecing together Part 3 of 4 and hope to post it sometime today relating to Kansas, Italy and the Foundation we are built on. Also hopeing to get into the future outlook (part 4) and will post as soon as I got it together. Sorry if it hasn't been the best layout so far, it is basically just a collaboration of months and months of notes.



P.S. Below you will find my most recent post on SH, and judging by the participation here, I might have to go back to posting on both sites.


Hi all,

Nice to see a little bit of demand for our stock on such a weak market day, but bids are still weak. Anyways, I haven't posted here for awhile, but I haven't stopped following this one and have been on the "other" board on and off and just started posting again more regularly last week.

Few comments:

1) I have all the confidence in Rich Green and I wouldn't doubt his leadership FwdFlash for a second. He knows his stuff and has braught SXN a long way from where we were prior to him coming on board. Unfortunately the market cap hasn't followed YET

2) Promo efforts picking up. Whether they are successful is another story, but nontheless an effort.

3) IMO, news is very near or not far off on many fronts, perhaps even hear something as early as next week?? Time will tell.

4) I would be suprised if we raise ANY money down here and was told a few months back we won't be raising any at these prices, but things change so who knows?? We have recently increased our credit facility to approx $4.1 million, so I think we are ok for a bit yet.

5)Italy is going very well and might even be considered ahead of schedule by some. Do a little digging you will be impressed with what you find.

There is much more to this story then people realize and I have done my DD and eventhough we are trading below our assets values if we were to liquidate, I am happy with SXN's strategy and where it is heading. This is one of those, be right and sit tight stories that give you the homeruns.



P.S. If you have been trading this one over the past few months on the low volume between the bid and the ask, you might want to consider holding off in February as you might get caught holding less shares then you wish you had.

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