Message: cost of splitting SMH

King James - have you ever been involved in a split as it takes longer than 2 months and can cost upwards of half a million depending on the dynamics of the split. In Shorehams case I think they would almost need to do a complete offerring in order to put a value on the Guyana Properties which means a whole lot of work and reporting out.

Whereas they can put a value on the Canadian Properties quite easily because they just brought them into the company. They have done minimal work on them but the one significant thing they have done is get an agreement from the First Nations to go onto the land and work. That alone is huge, and there is a historical report on the Uranium property before the original company left it. I think that was Newmont Resources.

But we are trying to second guess Bending and I am sure that he and his Board and group of advisors around him will guide this through accordingly.

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