Message: Ontario flow through

King James don't shoot curiousone quiet yet as the poster has some great points. The financials speak volumnes about Shoreham. 1) Over $100,00 per month burn 2) over $800,000 in payables (albeit most is likely to insiders like Bending) 3) they raised or are raising $1.6 Million in Flow Through that they can only be used in Canada.

So this company needs hard cash dollars - NOW. From my knowledge of Bending he is or will be all over this company now trying to get them to allocate some of that $1.6 Million into Guyana. He has done it before and will try it again. Only things have changed. The company has a CFO that says "no" and the Board or guys like Greg McCrae have had their eyes opened and are saying "no".

So as my late mother use to say about some of my dreams I will relate this to you about Shoreham. I also do not like negativity about this stock but questions have to be asked and I hope you will be asking them at the AGM which is conveniently on Feb. 15, 2010 right in the middle of the Olympics. Do you think the company wants shareholders at this meeting????

Here is my mothers quote:

"That issue you have is about ten miles wide and looks good but do not walk on it because it is only one inch thick!"

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