Message: Re: shares

Apr 17, 2010 08:13AM

Opinions are like bums and you have shown us yours. For as many people that you say love the fact that our sp is heading downwards I can find many more that don't. As for the large shareholders, you could not be further off the mark. And as for exploration companies, you are WAY OFF the mark. I could give you 5 in 2009 that took the geology of the ground and developed it, brought in good people, and took the sp from pennies to dollars. It only took them a couple of years, what is David's excuse?

Your credentials do not impress (might give you an idea of WHO you are talking to). Geology is not a mystery, nor is it tough. It is a boys club (i.e GOLDCORP/BARRICK ETC). So save your arrogance for some people you can impress.

It is as simple as this: Find the resource, develop it, and the ground will pay you. Duh.

I'll repeat, david has had years to focus on one property, get the permissions, drill and get results. If he is such a good geologist, then he shouldn't be worried about drilling at all. In fact, he should be confident enough in himself to duplicate or do better than results.

Apr 17, 2010 01:44PM

Apr 19, 2010 12:59PM
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