Message: SMH

Well this is interesting with King James back pumping. I am in Vancouver this week and will hopefully get to talk to one of the Directors. If you are waiting for property news you better stock up on beer for Venturous because you will get news maybe if the company thinks it is worthy. I heard last night while talking to others in a bar that the Auditor has quit on SMH but of course stocks beginning with "S" do not have to report these things.

Bending is in Guyana this week but being paid by Shoreham and working on Mahdia Gold, so you go figure. My guess would be to buy Mahdia - T.MGD and no I do not work for them either.

Also in the Guyana news media there are reports that Rexma is finally moving their equipment out of Georgetown. Someone other than Shoreham must have paid for their customs fees because the company has not got the money.

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