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Message: Let the fun begin!

There's not much time left folks. The frantic efforts behind the scenes to get silver cheap...and silver stocks...is exposing itself in spite of the rhetoric we see here and there and everywhere...and their angst is showing. Can you see their sweaty little beads of sweat? The beginning of "end game" in all things silver arriveth later today...after the FOMC meeting when Bernanke announces that there is no inflation.

The following articles cannot be "talked down" like some are attempting to do with stocks like SFMI. Whether you hold 1000 shares or 1 million shares, matters not. It is equally relevant. do not forget that.



wynter benton blog January 24 ... thanks to “the dukes”

The following information might be useful in helping you decide what the price of paper silver will be as March 1 approaches.

End of last September: 2519 contracts delivered
Beg of last September: 3002 contracts stood for delivery (ratio of 84%)

End of December: 1845 contracts delivered
Beg of December: 5428 contracts stood for deliver (ratio of 34%)
Options for Nov: 3.03 million oz
Options for Oct: 1.5 million oz

You can see a pattern developing. The March, May, July, Sept, Dec total amount of silver delivered were 21.7, 23.7, 12.1, 12.5, and 9.3
The ratio of contracts delivered
at the end of the month relative to the number of contracts at the beginning of the month were more than 100%(Mar), more than 100%(May), slightly less than 100%(July), 84%(Sept), and 34%(Dec).

One more thing. The January options exercised so far is around 2.9 million oz and the month of Jan has 10 days to go and January is usually the smallest month of the year. At this rate, Jan and Feb options are on pace for around 8.5 million oz and last year total was 4.6 million oz.

Draw your own conclusions as to what will happen as we approach March 1, 2011.

My interpretation is that people are digging in and will demand physical silver in March and they are willing to sell July and Sept contracts so they can stand for delivery in MARCH.
Unlike gold, where you can clearly see that the FEB contracts were the hardest hit and it continued across the calendar. Again, this data is preliminary and the March 1st notice of delivery is still far away unlike gold's FEB contracts which is due next week, but it would appear that people are resolute in the Mar OI and will not sell them in any size despite the selloff....

….Combined this with my understanding that the prominent buying by those hedge funds who are planning to stand for delivery has not even taken place yet, I have to wonder what will happen in February when those hedge funds begin to buy in earnest.
If the Mar OI aren't being sold right now, what would make them sell as March 1 approaches?

Also I am hearing that some of these hedge funds are selling gold so they can stand for delivery on silver in March. Look at the Comex data today and make your own conclusions. (PS: think of the gold silver ratio)

One more note, look at the volume on the Mar silver contracts and you will see a volume of 1039 in the PNT column. PNT stands for 'Privately Negotiated Transactions' as opposed to the normal open outcry. Notice that this was the only category in the silver with any volume at all. My guess is that for those traders who were inclined to sell their Mar contracts, even they demanded a premium to sell those contracts which is why you saw volume of 1039 and a reduction in OI of only 203.

The data today is extremely bullish in my opinion. It's only a matter of time before silver rockets up. February 8 is the scheduled launch date. Be patient until then and watch it run all the way til March 1st

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