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Message: All signs continue to point to PQ ...

... what's new? I suspect he still wants more than he can get or promise given the situation... and is now in a corner ... is it the 'buying time' game to see if he can outmaneuver 'whoever'. Is it even conceiveable that he could be trying a slight of hand or a stalling tactic ... or a bluff ... yet again? Never anythiing illegal of course, just convoluted and barely legal . Brilliant! If so, I must conclude he has some pathology that was there all along and just keeps it barely under the surface. The guy is 75? I have to conclude with no evidence whatsoever that he is now dealing with people who simply can't or won't be screwed with and therefore he cannot conclude anything by way of whatever tortuitous means. Hope I'm wrong. My suspicion is that he is now in over his head and those on the oter side of the table are going to starve him out if he doesn't play ball. I think They know what's in that mountain and have the means to get it ... PQ or no PQ.

This is beyond beyond. Hang in there BOUTS. Something has to be setteld one way or another .... sometime.

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