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Message: $630 billion helicopter drop from fed

$630 billion helicopter drop from fed

posted on Sep 29, 2008 01:16PM

that $630 billion isn't the bailout. that's another $630 billion needed to keep the financial system from seizing up. as one writer puts it:

"Our sincere thanks to the people of England, Europe, and Japan for providing their funds to the Fed."


and an unrelated (?) story, wachovia was mostly acquired by citigroup in another shotgun marriage blessed by the fdic. citigroup will abosrb up to $42 billion of losses (how they will do that is beyond me) from a pool of $312 billion in loans, and the fdic is on the hook for the rest. in other words, citigroup acquires wachovia's banking operations, and the american taxpayer picks up the tab for its liabilities. is it me, or is the entire banking system a house of cards?

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