Message: Last Week's Trading Behavior, Especially Friday's, Indicates That....

Last Week's Trading Behavior, Especially Friday's, Indicates That....

posted on Mar 16, 2008 04:47AM

...Market Makers are aware of the pending massive entry by investors (including institutional), into the PM markets (due to skyrocketing PM prices mainly driven by the ever-diving, evaporating dollar; expected to dive further this week with additional "Fed" interest rate cuts).

And the MMs know that Silverado will continue it's remarkable growth and progression of the company given recent history and very recent Press Releases. Yes, they read these, too

(Silverado has at worst, re-doubled it's placer gold production three or four years running in it's hunt for the mother lode gold and antimony sources. MMs now can see that this year, with tunneling at WB alone, Silverado could likely outperform the last doubling of revenues by several additional factors.)

The $110 oil pricesĀ  with the announcement of GreenFuel project upgraded to Commercial is part of the picture. If somehow the MMs see technicals that are linked to the possible financing of the Commercial Plant, thatĀ  too could explain recent trading anomolies.

This week and next could be very, very interesting weeks!

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