Message: 4 Released New WB Assays Relative to Current NI-43-101 Average

4 Released New WB Assays Relative to Current NI-43-101 Average

posted on Sep 03, 2009 10:08AM

Average antimony is 73% higher (at 48.5% Sb) than the NI-43-101 reserve average (28% Sb).


Gold is exactly the same on average for the new assays (0.408 Toz/Ton) as the reserve average, even including the one poor assay (0.061 Toz/Ton).

If we throw out that one poor assay, we are at 0.5237 Toz/Ton, or a 28.4% improvement.

Balance of WB assays likely will change the above up or down.

If Pringle assays come in as good as the four reported today, LOOK OUT!!

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