Message: Where's Grim ????

I gave the board a short scenario in my previous post about Garry negotiating from strength and I would like to complete that thought.

IMHO, with all the gold and antimony the company recently discovered over the past few years on the Solomon Shear Zone, Garry could logically negotiate from a position of strength so I would think he would not feel the need to agree to the first offer that slides across his desk; that could send the wrong signal or message a sign of desperation.

I would think that the first financial offer that landed on Garry's desk could have been for an arm and a leg ? to see if Garry would except the deal and if he didn't agree than the negotiations and posturing would continue until a deal is struck.

To take this negotiation process one step further, if there are other offers sitting on Garry's desk ? The negotiating process would be conducted on mulltiple fronts until Garry finally feels he has found the right type of financing that would benefit both the company and its shareholders. This could explain why negotiations are taking so long to land financing to start the mining ?

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

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