Message: fastfoot

Re: Silverado Detractors-IMHO

posted on Dec 23, 2009 02:13PM

Thank you. However, I have given this additional thought.

Perhaps the sensitivity level for those that may think or believe that I was referring directly to them is high (even though I clearly was not explicit, just implied to the other board).

Therefore perhaps I hurt some feelings with the somewhat too colorful language.

Here is another attempt, perhaps if the first post is deemed offensive, this will be allowed to take it's place:


You could open up all the Silverado and Tri-Con books to some, and they'll still claim fraud and/or scam.

These folks cannot be convinced otherwise because they have an inflated self importance combined with an immature sense of having been wronged by the company in some way.

Fundamentally, they also tend toward the need to control other's opinions or even others business.

The proof is fully documented in the other two boards. We all could name several like this, but that is not necessary to make the point which is:

Once the company proves it's credibility, these nice people will go away, or maybe finally mature a bit, due to having been proven wrong.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to All!

How's That?

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