Message: Potential For a Dollar Surge Will Be So Aggressive

IceCap Asset Management: Why We Expect A "Face Ripping Rally" In The Dollar

Submitted by Keith Dicker, Chief Investment Officer at IceCap Asset Management

The potential for a surge will be so aggressive that it will rip the face off all investors who are bearish against the USD and positioned for it to fall. This is the real risk that faces the market today.

IceCap cannot emphasize enough, that the Euro-zone will absolutely return to a re-escalation of their sovereign debt crisis. And once it begins, two things happen:

  1. It snowballs VERY quickly
  2. The negative effects on the bond market WILL spread around the world.
  3. Putting this all together, one should be able to understand our expectation for many bond strategies/funds to perform poorly, and of equal importance – the USD to soak up foreign capital seeking safety from the bond market crisis and the resulting currency crisis. Remember – all bond markets are connected. The crisis in Europe will not be isolated to Europe.



Jun 05, 2018 12:07PM
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