Welcome To The Spider Resources HUB On AGORACOM

First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: Re: a week of fustration
Dec 14, 2007 11:36AM


I really, really like your attitude.  Anyone who has watched all of the plays in McFauld's has to be disappointed with the recent slide - including me.  This is natural.  To be overly positive at this time would be ostrich-like.

However, I still think we can be positive.  Once again, nothing really has changed which would drive us to be negative.  In fact, we had a little bit of good news from NOT, and it has been very good.  And, the rest of the McFauld's players are waiting for numerous reports - AeroTEM, 43-101s, etc.  Furthermore, drilling continues, and continues to be scheduled.

Indeed we will have a strong six months ahead of us.  Some investors will get really excited; others, disappointed.  How each person handles the stress we be different.  But I would suggest staying in touch with Agoracom's Hubs, giving your views, sharing your concerns and joys, and ... quaffing a dram or two of your favorite malt!

As they say in French: a votre sante!


Dec 14, 2007 03:00PM
Dec 15, 2007 08:54AM
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