Welcome To The Spider Resources HUB On AGORACOM

First Explorer at the "Ring of Fire" and presently drilling on the "BIG DADDY" Chromite/Pge's jv'd property...yet we were robbed

Message: level II this AM

level II this AM

posted on Mar 10, 2010 11:01AM
Market by Price
Total Size # of Orders Price
1,842,800 25 0.0650
576,000 23 0.0600
2,607,522 31 0.0550
Price # of Orders Total Size
0.0700 3 433,000
0.0750 23 1,024,726
0.0800 36 1,475,300
0.0850 8 368,000
0.0900 12 206,000
Looks like somebody wants to hold it at .07... everytime it goes down another blovk of 250K or more is added

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