Welcome to the Starfield Resources Disucssion Forum

The Company has three main projects: a PGE project in Montana's Stillwater District; a copper project in California's historic Moonlight Copper Mining District; and a nickel-copper-cobalt-PGE project in Ferguson Lake, Nunavut.

Message: The Usual Reason

Good morning to you PERPster,

Anyone interested in starfield Resources Inc. as a possible investment choice needs only to go to the company website and to google to check on the reputations and qualifications of the leadership of the company and to also see what they have accomplished.

Instead of picking and choosing to write only what you want to say about the iron ore [or anything else for that matter] simply go to one of your posts on the other forum and then look again and read what poster OOA said in reply to you. If that is not enough, why not call the company and ask for their help with many things that seem to have troubled you for so many years now.

You have to know that we know what you are attempting to do here. It is the same thing you have been doing for years on the SRUBB only under another alias

Questions for you the professional questioner.

Are you a Starfield Resources Inc. shareholder? Please answer the question son.

Are you posting on the SRUBB under any other alias? Come on now lad, fess up.

I would hope that down stream a ways, Agoracom can sense where you are coming from. Until then you will be free to "so-call counterpost" on this forum.

Your long time buddy,

Jerry Francis

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