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Message: Strategic Moves

Strategic Moves

posted on Mar 31, 2008 12:30PM

In my opinion, TTM's management will be unleashing the long awaited new's release just before they leave for the conference in Deutscheland.

They could release it now, and the share price would no doubt rise. But that would create the same old pattern we've become accustomed to, where the sp would take a step backward's after it's initial gain.

I personally think their strategy this time will be about creating momentum. We have seen the 10 minute segment on BNN. We know that 30 second commercial segment's are being released and we already know that are company is being featured in different newsletter's.

Now add all of this together along with the conference in Germany and we have the making's for a lot of positive progress which I believe will translate into a higher sp.

And let's not forget that the drill's are tripping pipe as we speak and new result's as well as a prefeasibility study are not very far off.

So let's all stand back and relax or as they used to say when I was in the Military," Hurry up and Wait."


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