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Message: TTQ's Bullish Technical Analysis

I hope whoever is selling at CIBC enjoys their new found wealth. lol

We all want to see those results, with new core pictures that definately show moly, and since it is infilling I don't think that the moly disappeared between all our holes.

I have no reason to believe the assay results will disappoint.

TTM board and management are top notch very smart people. I do not know the reason for the delay, (not that there is a delay as they said pr, soon), but I have never second guessed them and I have no reason to at this moment.

But I will agree waiting is becoming tiresome, and Baura, I am with you on this, good, bad or ugly, lets see them as we have been discussing especially the deep holes it seems like an eternity now.

Soooooooooooon, thats all I can tell ya.


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