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Message: Spoke with Tom

Spoke with Tom

posted on Feb 11, 2009 09:30AM

I just spoke with Tom Brady and there really isn't a lot to add that BBOB hasn't already covered so I'll keep it short.

Tom think's that the press release of our updated Resource Calculation will be in roughly 2 to 3 weeks time and he did say that there will be some surprises.

As well Warren and Wes are still in Vanderhoof meeting with FN and all 3 level's of government. They've been there for the last 10 day's and should be back in the office soon.

This seem's to be a slow time of the year, not only for us but everyone else in the jr. mining business. Hopefully with Anonymous out of the road and the upcoming PR we can start building some momentum where are company is concerned.


P.S. Tom did say that the surprises are positive!

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