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Message: Insider disposition

Jan 24, 2010 07:50PM

Jan 25, 2010 04:47PM

Credit to rrob72 for pointing this out:

Teryl Resources Corp. (TRC) As of January 25th, 2010
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jan 25/10 Jan 15/10 Robertson, Susanne Indirect Ownership Common Shares 11 - Disposition carried out privately -1,000,000 $0.100

Looking at the 10 cent price, it matches only the warrants from last summer being exercised, so the transfer may be a little creative. This disposition may likely be a shift from one of management's accounts to another, probably to create a paper loss in her personal account, to create a more-favourable tax situation in the case of a coming rise, or both.

Sharp eyes, rrob.

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