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Specializing in the design of mobile video and multimedia systems and solutions based on OFDM technology Since 1990. Posts with name calling, lacking clarity or excessively verbose, will be deleted. Viewpoints pro or con always welcome

Message: quote from SH Albolduc and response

quote from SH Albolduc and response

posted on Oct 24, 2007 05:02AM

>>Bell and Rogers bristle at such suggestions since they are investing
more than $200-million (Canadian) in their Inukshuk network.<<

The official analysis is that Bell and Rogers are holding back on investing and offering wireless access through Inukshuk because their fear cannibalizing their other revenue stream.

Isn't it odd that at the same time, Bell is in a pickle with regards to the huge amount they need to invest in their landline network and Rogers is spending millions deploying older, less efficient technology in Ontario and B.C.?

IMO, fear of cannibalization has little to do with it and more to do with the fact they fear the courts' decision on the UBS lawsuit, the result of which may very well be to force they to at least share access to Inukshuk with UBS and potentially to hand any revenue generated from subscription to services provided using that network.


Bottom line is they are cash cows without the nimbleness to  be innovative enough to win in a new and compettitve environment ... There long term prospects are very bleak and they will continue to serve their own purposes at the cost of Canadian competitiveness ... our governement has a moral obligation to position the citizens to propser, which can only occur if the best technologies are brought to market at the lowest price .... any attempts through the blocking of foreign competition will hinder  the citizens of Canada from recognizing the potential of its educated citizens!.

<> Orgy 
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