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Specializing in the design of mobile video and multimedia systems and solutions based on OFDM technology Since 1990. Posts with name calling, lacking clarity or excessively verbose, will be deleted. Viewpoints pro or con always welcome

Message: An optimistic theory from a pessimist

...a movie could possibly come out of this and Bell could get royalties....

As the plot thickens.... Bell gets court approval to own the spectrum for 80-mil less 16-mil but if a new bidder is willing to payout Bell 80-mil and Bell really wants this Spectrum can Bell raise their offer???

I believe if IC is fair game this Spectrum wouldn't be approve. But we the little ppl really not in this loop to know what's going on behind closed doors. After all who really finances these politicians during elections...???

Bell can make easy 96-mil here (80 +(16, that LOK paid them already)) providing someone finally see the true value in this spectrum. 350-mil and take the whole company with all the assets. LOK makes 284-mil instead. UBS share buyout could be 144-mill and LOK can share 140-mil amongs themselves.


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