Welcome To WellGreen Platinum on AGORACOM

Large Mineral Resource: 5.5 Moz PGM+Au, 2.9 B lbs Ni+Cu (M&I) with 13.8 Moz PGM+Au, 7.0 B lbs Ni+Cu (Inferred)

Message: OOPH !!! I guess the Street wasn't impressed by the news.

You can add assets all day long with our paper and that won't create shareholder value. We already have enough projects to keep us busy... No I say we have to many! At a certain point additional projects will only drain capital.
We have Wellgreen and that is the only asset we are being valued for.
I say monetize the Lynn Lake or JV it. Capital should not be diverted away from Wellgreen.
But the drain is not limited to capital but also TIME is a very valuable resource. The more time John thinks about UMJ The less is available for Wellgreen.
I don't see us trucking our ore across Canada when the deep sea port is only 400km away so what other synergies could there be?
Clearly the cashflow alone from UMJ is not worth our time.
But lets not forget that once upon a time no one wanted Wellgreen and all the investors minus me had some harsh words for John for the acquisition of Wellgreen.
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