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Message: WPT share price still falling,,,

gotta rated a 5 belted...tired of losing because of pumpers...like yor idee of cashing out ...for now anyhoo...wish i had a bottle of scotch to go with my linoleum/tar paper floor...lol;...p.s. with nat gas at a low...kind of interseting that obama is "indifferent" since forever...tboone has lost millions in last couple years or so...his wife tho got out in time to save her "charitable trust"...i dunno...hey...shakey...always wondered what geetar your looking like your plunking...pick a little myself...only when no ones around tho...lol...cant help myself...gotta recommend it...check out "zeistgeist" movie on utube...i hope i dont offend anyone...hic...back to barley soup...p.s. natgas at 2.20 soon...buy,buy,buy...

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