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Message: Santa Foley left for Libya (from Genevabird)

Santa Foley left for Libya (from Genevabird)

posted on Nov 24, 2007 07:38PM

The following is a message that Genevabird asked me to post here:


Foley has already left for Libya and hopefully also Dubai as mentioned by another poster. Foley spoke only half a minute to source and might have forgotten to mention Dubai due to fatigue caused by heavy agenda and time constraints.Foley mentioned CNR with exchange and that he is no longer required to be present. Any possible material matter arising can be handled by lawyer Lightfoot. Foley mentioned how frustrated he was that stock could be trading in his absence. He wanted it to trade before his Middle Eastern trip and is very much stressed out that release CNR is still in the hands and control of exchange.

Foley left yesterday and will be back in a week''s time. Yes Santa foley will be accompanied by jingling bells on camel sleighs trekkED across the Sahara homeward bound.Once they reach the Atlantic Ocean,all human and animal cargoes and Xmas goodies for investors will be transported by the magic flying carpet to the exchange.

It is worth the wait, we have come this long through very trying times. The anxiety not knoWing when it will be trading is certainly better than the PREVIOUS ominous fear of POSSIBLE FRAUD.

Almost forgot to mention that he has many meetings to attend to in Libya. To me this signifies that the Libyan refinery deal is gathering momentum before the final inking.

end of message

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