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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: Re: Gumby
Apr 28, 2008 06:08PM
Apr 29, 2008 04:28AM

Not sure if we will see another .24 with the next NR. Investors are no longer exited when WWF releases these fluffy statements.

In my mind there are 2 possibilities:

1) MF is really talented in creating a job for himself through this fake company called WWF that allows him to raise money, finances trips and leisure. All he has to do is getting (buy) the conditional agreements that mean nothing but keeps a few investors on board with their money. The world is full with crooks that seek opportunities to make a living, why not him.

2) MF is on to something but it takes years to build and he has to come out with these baloney NR to appease shareholders and keep some investors exited. There is nothing we can do but stay with death money for as long it takes. Well there is something HE could do, keep the company more transparent and have less NR with slur or misinterpretation of facts.

Apr 29, 2008 01:21PM
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