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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: Re: A couple o Questions
Mar 13, 2010 02:44PM
Mar 13, 2010 03:48PM
Mar 14, 2010 07:14PM

Mar 14, 2010 07:49PM
Mar 14, 2010 08:13PM
Mar 15, 2010 12:53AM

Ummm... why is this relevant??

speaking as someone who is pres & director of a company (two, actually), using company money to pay myself is completely normal! Where else am i supposed to get money from??

Unless MF is God, he has to eat; and if he is doing the work of the company, he deserves a salary - even if it only covers his food and lodging! IMO this is not "siphoning off" money from the company, it is simply paying the director of the company enough to live-on so that he can continue the business of the company without being distracted by having to work a second job!! I *welcome* MF to use my investment to feed and house himself, so long as he is continuing to do legitimate company business... and I have no evidence that he is not.

Gawd, the whiners on this site drive me nuts! Go start a company with this much potential yourselves and then come back and bitch when you're penniless...


Mar 15, 2010 03:59AM

Mar 15, 2010 04:04AM
Mar 15, 2010 01:34PM
Mar 16, 2010 04:35PM

Mar 16, 2010 04:36PM
Mar 19, 2010 12:32AM
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