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Engineering, procurement, construction & management of crude oil refineries.

Message: Re: WWf isn't dead yet!
Feb 14, 2011 08:13PM
Feb 15, 2011 02:16AM
Feb 15, 2011 02:38AM

I agree, I know you say Oscar to just contact MF and he'll make you feel better, but in my opinion - the FACTS are that everything he has ever said, both privately to select shareholders and publicly has either turned out not to be true and had to be retracted, or has not come true - every deadline, every dollar amount, every deal - and now it's on to the next supposed deal - so seriously I wouldn't hold your breath on this one, because you will suffocate. The last PP that was done, the dollar amount supposedly necessary to get listed certainly wasn't $350K - how do you think the people that bought into that feel now, seeing that number!! (glad I wasn't one of them) Don't you see, if there was upfront and honest info shared about what was necessary, no one would have ponied up any money... that's the way I feel anyways, and to me that's the definition of a scam.

Maybe I'm wrong, and sure it would be great if this co. miraculously pulled out of this and traded again ever... but i doubt it

Feb 15, 2011 12:11PM

Feb 17, 2011 09:01AM
Feb 21, 2011 02:52PM
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