Welcome to the Wits Basin Stock Hub

(Edit this Message from the "Fast Facts" Section)


Dear Agoracom Family,

I want to thank all of you for your patience with us over the past 48 hours and apologize for what was admittedly a botched launch of our new site.

As you can see, we have reverted back to the previous version of the site while we address multiple forum functionality flaws that inexplicably made their way into the launch.

To this end:

1.We have identified 8 fundamental but easily fixable flaws that will be corrected in the coming week, so that you can continue to use the forums exactly as you've been accustomed to.

2.Additionally we will also be implementing a couple of design improvements to "tighten up" the look and feel of the forums.


George et al

Message: comment on 8-k released today

Hey goldlemming = it seems that you have a good grasp of the situation and your points are well taken. There's a bunch of stuff that is going on in the background - most of it is not in common circulation - meaning not posted on BB, nor published as company's NR. Unlike 102420, sdbranum, and IMHO rightly so, only post items that he has been able to verify thru 2nd sources, thereby avoiding starting rumors or getting accussed by some of posting unfounded items. By adopting that position, he provides some much needed reliable - if such a situation can exist = info & such.

Over time, I have come rely on his abilities, realizing that he has a knack for unearthing background details etc that are NOT in public domain. With those he trusts, and strongly identifying the facts from otherwise, he shares his findings/results. I would suggest (if you have not done so already) sending him an email requesting that he adds you to his CC list. I do think that you will benefit from the stuff he digs up. Then couple that info with your personal assessments and you will be put you in a position to better understand what MIGHT be driving the actions that seem to be going on with S King & company.

sd branum: [email protected]


Best of luck. Rightly or wrongly - time will tell - I bought a few thousand more WITM shares this week.

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