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Message: BP's massive and growing problems in the Gulf of Mexico

With all the problems that have come from their leaking well and the consensus now being that they won't be able to cap this thing until late this summer (at the earliest), does anyone worry about whether they'll still have the money or resolve to continue to be involved in XEL's well this summer?

The Exxon Valdez cost a total of $7 Billion to clean up in a relatively non-important area in a single state with a small population.

The problems in the Gulf of Mexico environmentally and economically impact several U.S. states and tens of millions of people and is now being conservatively estimated to cost BP AT LEAST $50 billion for total clean up and restitution costs. That's a minimum so it could potentially cost a lot more.

I've read a few analysts now write about BP's potential bankrupcy or takeover by someone else. If that happend, the deal with XEL might be put on the bank burner, if not halted completely.

So what do the rest of you think?



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