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Zenith's BET Inhibitor ZEN-3694 is Currently Being Evaluated in Multiple Oncology Clinical Trials

Message: Epizyme market cap $750 mil USd

Nextblockbuster wrote..."Why so silent, if the trial are going so spectacular why not release some preliminary results"

It is my personal belief that there is a very good reason for remaining silent and this is also why they created Zenith as a privately held not publicly traded company.  When a company is publicly traded, it MUST disclose anything material for shareholders (and thus competition) HOWEVER when it is not, it doesn't have to and, (I would argue), shouldn't.  

I say this NOT because this is what I want from a shareholder perspective because, like you, I want to know as much as humanly possible about what's going on with Zenith.  But from a competitive perspective (and thus to sustain and create as much long term shareholder value possible), I prefer the company live in the shadows for as long is it can, keeping as quiet as possible, thus buying themselves (and we shareholders) as much time as possible to substantiate their science and thus create as large a gap as possible to the competition and create value.  

On one hand, I hate myself for typing this very note, on the other hand, I would hate myself if I didn't.  It's truly a great question that you ask and I hope this offers something for you to consider.  

My 10BagR Cents since you asked!


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