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Zenith's BET Inhibitor ZEN-3694 is Currently Being Evaluated in Multiple Oncology Clinical Trials

Message: Recent Funding - Zenith CC

NBB, all we can hope for is for one of the Big Pharma we're collaborating with buys us out. And if they are willing to do that it would be for one reason only and that it will benefit them to a large degree. Then we will see some gain if management doesn't screw it up. And as long as management does not licence out ZEN-3694 for some big cash transaction to keep ZCC going and hell with any immediate payoff to shareholders if a deal is struck.

ZHCLF shares trading on the OTC at such low numbers spoiled the chances of an IPO to get the stock to trade on a reasonable market and to make it liquid to allow the shareholders the freedom to move in and out of the stock as seen fit. One thing I can say about RVX is that we all had the freedom to move in and out of the stock at our comfort level. Some gained, some lost. But that is the market for you! It favours no one.  


Koo (IMO)

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