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Zenith's BET Inhibitor ZEN-3694 is Currently Being Evaluated in Multiple Oncology Clinical Trials

Message: Zenith Epigenetics Proudly Supports Rare Disease Day ZEN-3694 Expands Development to Include Multiple Rare Oncology Indications Calgary, Alberta--(N

At the end of the day, there are valid reasons on both sides to be extremely frustrated with managment of both companies for an exit strategy, buyout or partnership deal and or listing not happening as of yet as well as those on the other side who are still optismistic of something coming to fruition at some point in the next few years and are willing to wait it out...  The way I look at it is there a several very very large BP's  and very  highly respected institutions  still  actively involed in the clinical trials and if the trials move forward they will IMO get involved at much higher level..  IE a BP deal of some sort.. Royalty, Buyout partnership etc.   Where management has succeeded with get those clincal collalbations paid for they have  failed  in establishing on the market valuation for Zenith to this point  all working in the BP's favour if they strike a deal at some point . Hopefully we'll be pleasantly surprise with some realy really godd news, I don't see a deal  as the market is sayng otherwise , until then we wait it out or we exit ....

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