Focused on High Grade Silver/Zinc/Lead/Gallium Deposits in the Yukon

6 Properties in Timmins West north of the Destor-Porcupine Fault

Message: ?? Michelle Property Assay Results

?? Michelle Property Assay Results

posted on Oct 22, 2009 01:04PM

For some reason I've had in my mind that the Michelle Property assay results (from this past summer's program) would be released prior to the end of October. I haven't a clue where I might of have gotten this perception, as I've re-listened to the SMARTSTOX interview and it makes no mention...I am wondering if perhaps Richard mentioned this in another of his companies SMARTSTOX interviews, or perhaps from another poster mentioning that he had spoken to IR...? The NR from 9/15/09 only alludes to "The Company is also expecting assays from a summer exploration program on its 100% owned, Michelle roperty, in Yukon territory, in the near future"...Anyone have any idea?

Cheers, Luker

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