Welcome to the Crius Energy Trust Discussion Forum

Message: Start up..


I believe that you are a GENIUS..If I had some more cash I would be buying more..At these prices you are $2.00 + below IPO price..How Long do you think this will stay under $10.00..I don't think more than a few weeks and they will start coming out with more news releases about new contracts and customers and it will take off How high and how fast,,If I knew that I would patent it..

Stop beating your self for being smart enough to buy low...you are learning..that is when the doubt sets in..when it keeps dropping but as soon as it comes back up it will move pretty fast and you will wonder why you didn't sell the farm and fill up..but you are a player..Even though you whine like bad bearing...

Well done.I gave you a t'umb..not the finger..


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