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Message: Patent Protection

From what I understand Dynamic has patented their delivery system of the Jetstar. The basic electrolysis of hydrogen is public domain. They have had their trouble with patent infringement but the case I believe was dimissed due to the fact at the time they and the other company CHEC were not having consistent success of the unit working properly so the judge didn't think Dynamic had an advantage with the unit. Obviously they have now work out the kinks and have a consistently working unit.

     The court was insure of confidentiality agreement between CHEC and Mr Fairfull, and that still have to be resolved. The courts had left the 2 groups time to get together and resolve this matter.

      But it would seem that Dynamic are forging ahead and doing whats best for the company and shareholder and have produced a consistent product that has been field tested. They was a post of a news release from a third party on this forum who had the unit for 3 months and has placed a 250 unit order to out fit his fleet. He reckons he will save over 5,000 litres of diesel per year per truck and will meet the 2014 emmission requirement now. He seems very happy. He has taken deliver of the first 25 this month.

     Now that one company has these, it won't be long before more companies are beating a path to Dynamic.

Hope this helps.


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