The World's First Class 8 Certified H2 On-board Injection System

Fuel Efficient and Clean Emissions

Message: Meeting with Tim today

So let's recap.

For Tim to have any success, he needs money to work with. The timing and amount must meet the needs as called for in his plan.

The current situation does not allow for the execution of any business plan as the sole funding source is and has been an insider. Given there have been no announcements regarding recent fundings, my guess is the spigot is closed.

Much needs to be done to repair the balance sheet and to move forward with the next generation product.

The town hall meetings present an opportunity for the company including its new chairman to stand up and tell us why we should continue to support and re invest in this technology.

I sincererly hope the BOD gets their respective act together in a manner that allows Tim to "run with the ball".

Given the proper tools, it shouldhn't take too long to achieve results..... one way or another.

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