Message: Re: Latest info...emit...Gil - Daboss-eagle

Dec 05, 2006 05:56AM

Dec 05, 2006 02:48PM

Dec 05, 2006 03:48PM

Dec 05, 2006 03:54PM

Dec 05, 2006 06:26PM

Dec 06, 2006 05:12AM

Re: Latest info...emit...Gil - Daboss-eagle

posted on Dec 06, 2006 09:02AM

Not paranoid, just tired of redundant, slanted attacks regarding my due diligence on this investment.  I take the time to contact companies and then share relevant information, for the benefit of those who care. I don't burn bridges with management as a result of business disappointments and continue to contact those companies that relate to current business develoments.

Do you recall the endless discussion regarding my "stylizing" posts by emphasizing key points with bolding and underlining?  That went on excessively with insinuations of "confusing" other board members.  That was even more idiotic...don't ya think?

I have no use for those who choose to continually take that path and have no problem stating as much.

Dec 06, 2006 09:50AM

Dec 06, 2006 10:08AM

Dec 06, 2006 12:03PM

Dec 06, 2006 12:18PM

Dec 06, 2006 01:41PM

Dec 06, 2006 02:11PM
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