Message: A long time ago

A long time ago

posted on Jan 21, 2007 04:46PM

when I was sitting in RP's office attempting to find out just why BOW and EDig came to a parting of the ways I questioned RP as to who was the driving force in the split. He replied, "it was EDigital".  I asked why?  RP replied "because BOW insisted on exclusive rights to our MOS and stated he had purchased those rights when he bought APS.

RP then stated that nothing of the kind occurred. EDig never sold it's IP rights to it's MOS to anyone much less BOW in fact the statement, well known by all here, that APS owned the outside and EDig owned the inside, was very well known BEFORE BOW BOUGHT APS. I then asked just why BOW appear to be "shooting himself in the foot" by doing what he did. It certainly put a crimp in it's IFE business for a couple of years. In fact BOW had the IFE by the short hairs and blew it.

In a later conversation I asked RP about the $25,000 as payment for the sale of EDig's IP. He was quite animated in answering "Frank, if we parted ways with our only customer, one that could have propeled us to success as company, worth much more than $25,000 because we wouldn't give up our IP and in essence become a department of Wencor, most likely in a 3rd. floor office in a building in Salt Lake City why would we then sell that IP to him for that figure now?

I believed that scenario then and I definitely believe it now.

That means BOW had full knowledge of the fact that the $25,000 DID NOT BUY EDIG'S IP. He knew it when the split occured because THAT WAS THE REASON FOR THE SPLIT and he knew it when he filed the lawsuit. He was hoping for the "stuff he threw against EDig's wall (a small little California company in great financial straits) in a Utah Court would stick and he would wind up with the "goods'

It obviously did not work but it does show just what "power" does. BOW knew all along.....that really annoys me!


Jan 21, 2007 04:46PM

Jan 21, 2007 04:47PM

Jan 21, 2007 04:55PM

Jan 21, 2007 05:05PM

Jan 21, 2007 05:28PM
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